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中本聪11岁时写的作文《My Mother》

区块链/比特币 exchen 1841浏览 0评论

中本聪11岁时写的作文《My Mother》,让人感动落泪,六岁与父母分离成为留守儿童。

"The phone call is from your mother" yelled my uncle from outside the house. I ran right out the door when I heard that. After thirty seconds, I was at the public phone talking to my mother, Tears came out of my eyes as I spoke into the telephone. She was at the airport, ready to go to American. She also cried as she said goodbye. I was six years old then. Three years passed before I saw her again.

My mother's name is Xiao Ying. She was born in a large family in Shanghai, China at the end of World War 2. She was very smart and received a good education in China. She was very good at math and used to dream becoming a teacher.

Just after Xiao Ying finished collage, the Cultural Revolution started in China. She worked from a farm, to a radio factory, to an astronomical observatory, and finally to the Space Center.

After eight years at the Space Center, my mother decided to go to the United States and continue her education. Although my father was already there, my mother still had to work for a year to have enough money for her to go to an university. She had to work twelve hours a dya and was underpaid. Xiao Ying finally earned enough money, and my father finished his education and found a good job. But life was still hard. My mother's English wasn't very good, and she never touched a computer in China, which she was studying in the university. This was where her hard work and intelligence paid off. After one year, she caught up with the other students, and after another year, she was the best in almost all her classes.

After five years in the United States, she now has a good education, a good job, and a good home. If you say she is confident, hard working, and intelligent, that's right. She came to Americal when she didn't have money; she worked in a restaurant and on a farm; and she was always the best student in her classes. But most of all, she loves her family, And I love you too, mother.

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